Should You Undergo Dermabrasion for Your Acne Scars?

5 October 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


Acne doesn't stop harming you appearance once you stop breaking out. The scars the acne leaves behind can be almost as unsightly as the pimples themselves! Thankfully, there are multiple ways to deal with acne scars. One common approach is to use dermabrasion treatments, which involve abrading away the outer layer of skin to reveal more evenly-toned skin underneath. Here's what you need to know about this treatment option.

What types of acne scars does dermabrasion treat?

One of the reasons dermabrasion is such a good choice for acne scars is that it treats multiple types of scars. It's excellent for dealing with discoloration, including red and brown marks. It can also help with raised scars as well as those ice-pick scars that look like little pits in your skin. If you have very deep scars from cystic acne, your dermatologist may recommend a different treatment such as laser therapy, but for most cases, dermabrasion is suitable.

What happens when you go to your appointment?

Your dermatologist will first evaluate your skin to make sure it's healthy enough for dermabrasion treatment. If you are currently breaking out or have any open lesions on your face, you may have to wait until they heal in order to undergo treatment.

Before the actual dermabrasion begins, your dermatologist will apply a numbing cream to prevent discomfort. Then, a special sanding device will be used to wear away the outer layer of your skin. You may feel some slight burning and vibration during this process, but it should be minimal thanks to the numbing cream. Once the dermabrasion is complete, your dermatologist will apply a soothing gel to your face. Portions of your face from which more skin was removed may be bandaged.

What is the recovery process like?

Your skin will be quite sore and red for a week or two. There may be areas where you develop some scabs. It's really important not to pick at these scabs and to apply the moisturizer that your dermatologist recommends to soothe your skin. Don't apply makeup until the redness and soreness has dissipated. Also, stay out of the sunlight. If you must go outside, wear an SPF 50 sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat for protection. Once the redness fades, you should notice that your acne scars are much less noticeable.

To learn more about dermabrasion and whether or not it is right for you, speak with your dermatologist.