3 Symptoms Of A Deviated Septum

11 July 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


The nose is an incredible part of the human body, allowing you to breathe and smell various scents. The skeletal support, or nasal septum, should be exactly midline, separating the left and right sides of the nose equally. If crooked or off center, the nasal septum is known as a deviated septum. In most cases, a deviated septum will not affect a person's appearance dramatically.

However, most people with a deviated septum will suffer from discomfort and medical issues that require repairing the septum through a rhinoplasty surgery. If you are experiencing one or more of the following issues, you are most likely part of the 80 percent of individuals with a deviated septum.

Breathing Difficulties

Difficulty breathing in and out of your nose is one of the most common signs of a deviated septum. Because the septum is misaligned, one nasal opening will be smaller than the other, preventing you from breathing in and out of one or both nostrils.

If you suffer from allergies or develop periodic colds, the narrowed nasal opening will cause even more discomfort and breathing difficulties. A deviated septum can also increase the number of colds and sinus infections that you develop.

Chronic Nose Bleeds

Certain conditions, such as high levels of humidity, excessive nose blowing, or a dry environment, can cause nose bleeds. However, if you are having chronic nosebleeds, a deviated septum may be to blame.

The misaligned and curved design of a deviated septum will prevent air from moving through the nostrils easily. This stress will dry out the nasal openings, causing irritation and more regular nose bleeds.

Facial Pain and Headaches

The breathing difficulty and irritation of a deviated septum will cause swelling in the nasal openings. This swelling causes pressure in the face and head, resulting in pain and discomfort. You may notice swelling and redness around you nose. Also, the pressure and irritation will cause you to experience facial pain and possibly headaches. Taking an over the counter medication like ibuprofen can ease the inflammation, swelling, and pain, but consulting a doctor is essential for permanent relief.

Surgery is not always necessary for those with a deviated septum, but it is beneficial for improving your health, wellness, and overall comfort. If you are experiencing the symptoms outlined above, consult with a doctor from a clinic like Mansfield Plastic Surgery LLC to start diagnosing and treating your deviated septum.